Resourceful Watering Strategies For Your Crops


Designating zones for your crops, using a soiled-based irrigation sensor, and harvesting rainwater are some practices that will guarantee that your crops remain hydrated. Each of these measures will minimize water waste.

Crop Zones

Appointing a section of land for plants with similar water and sunlight needs can help you keep track of how much water you will need to administer to the crops. Till the plot where crops will be growing. Plant seeds within each section. Space crops out, based on their individual needs. Arrange crops so that the ones that need the least amount of water are located along one edge of the plot.

Gradually plant crops needing more water alongside the first section. Once you have finished planting, the crops will be in distinguishable zones. Label the crop zones. When it comes time to irrigate the crops, begin adding the least amount of water to the drought-loving plants. Continue along the plot until you have adequately watered each zone.

A Soil-Based Sensor

The use of an irrigation system that contains a soil-based sensor will prevent mishaps that result in underwatering or overwatering your crops. This type of irrigation system uses smart technology. The sensor will determine the condition of the soil. When the soil becomes dry, the irrigation system will be triggered to turn on.

Once the soil has been hydrated, the irrigation system will turn off. A soil-based sensor can be used with a standard irrigation system or a drip irrigation setup. A trench will need to be dug. This trench will support the tubing and sensor that are attached to the irrigation system.

A Rainwater Barrel

A barrel can be used to harvest rainwater that will eventually be used to hydrate your crops. If you currently have your irrigation system connected to the water line within your home, you are essentially increasing the cost of your water bill each month. The use of a rainwater barrel will provide you with water that does not cost you a penny.

Some agricultural supply businesses or home improvement centers may sell barrel products that are designed to collect and measure rainwater. This type of barrel can be set up outdoors, next to the area where your crops are growing. Once you have accumulated a considerable amount of water, connect your irrigation system to the barrel. The water that has been collected will be used during each watering session.

For more information about agricultural irrigation systems, contact a local company, like Waterford Irrigation Supply Inc.


29 July 2022

Keeping My Workers Safe

A few months ago, I realized my farm wasn't as safe as it could be. We had outdated equipment, and sometimes it would jam--putting my workers at risk. Fortunately, a friend of mine told me about a great place that sold better equipment, so I could update things. I invested part of my yearly profits into a few new pieces of equipment, and it was amazing to see the difference it made. My employees were able to harvest food faster without putting themselves at risk. Check out this blog to learn more about how to improve your farm.